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So, what are you doing?

Yeah, this sucks. I've seen it wander around various Instagram accounts and twitter threads 'hey you're 10 months through 2018, what have you accomplished?'. It's been spouting through mums at cafes or that one lady that you absolutely HATE in yoga. I've heard it on TV, in random books that I know severely want to be inspirational, and of course your parents, the ones that are simply determined to be as critical as possible when it comes to your achievements. And it sucks.

Because suddenly you are put on the spot. Everything that you have done simply seems pointless and a waste of time because, in the grand scheme of things, who cares that you were brave enough to sing in front of a few people? Who cares that you made a really good cheese sandwich? Who cares that you managed to do something that was good and a step forward to you when the same doesn't exactly apply to others?

It doesn't matter, does it? If you didn't start a massive charity or go and build houses for the homeless, your own accomplishments don't matter. Forget about them.

Well, I know that at least one of the people reading this got a new job. One of them forgave someone for something they did. One of them didn't and got stronger because of it. I know someone started a mental health blog and website and even if no one saw it, still feels like they did something good.

What you do matters. Every day you can change lives, make people better, make yourself better. We always say that what we do can't change the world, but we don't need to change the world. Each of us wants to help people, and you know what? It's perfectly alright if that person that you are helping is yourself.

So yeah, this is a short one, mainly because I didn't want to be told that what I was writing 'wasn't enough'. But, if you take anything out of this, please let it be that you don't have to define yourself as a washing line of achievements. You will always be good enough, and in my eyes, that's pretty damn good.


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