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Me myself and other people's depression...

So my best friend has depression. Normally our blogs would be about how to deal with your own issued but not today. Today if how to help yourself- help your friends. 

Iove my bff so much. She is the best person I have ever met, she makes me laugh endlessly, and she is the perfect gall I ever knew. She is fantastic at writing and singing, however she is really good at pretending to be happy. I know she is hurting on the inside. It's as simple as that! There's nothing I can do. I feel so bad and I want to steel her Sadnes and lock it all away. I desperately need to share my happiness with her. I want to fix it but I know I can't. She is always pretending that she is so happy. It's like she knows that her Sadness is going to ruin my happy vibes. It's as if she is embarrass to show her true/low mood. I know her so well though, that I can tell when she is having a bad time. Its the little things. It sounds odd but I think I know anyways! Stuff like over laughing at unfunny jokes. Going into dazed moments. Too tired to get up in the morning. A shorter temper with me. The inability to make quick, safe choices. I whent on holiday with my best friend a few moths ago. We went to Wales together. We were staying up in the mountains, no one besides us were there, no wifi or entertainment. We only had eachother. I had never stayed with her for a longer period of time before. After a couple days I noticed how quiet she was getting. I knew why. I have anxiety and (I guess) as a result I was becoming super paranoid. I totally esculated the situation by constantly asking if she was OK?, was there anything I could do to help?, what's wrong? This was not a good idea. I guess, looking back the best way to help was to just be there if she wanted to talk. I really regret the way I spoke with her back in Wales. How shit must it be when there's just an extra annoying little voice in the back of your head? Obviously I don't blame her! It must be exhausting being 'happy' all the time. It's not her fault. It's her brain. Honestly, I'm quite a selfish person. I would really be devastated if anything would happen to her. I kept thinking what I would do. This conversation inside my head was entirely self scented. What would I do if she was gone? What would I do if I lost her? Would I blame myself? Now... I hope that she can forgive me for this. I need her to understand how I feel and to get how much a care! I haven't need anyone to know anything as much as I need her to know how fucking much I love that girl. I need to know she is ok and I hope that I tell her enough that I'm here. Dose she know? Dose she know I want to save her and the fact I can't pull her to dry land, to a safe space, makes me want to rip myself in two. I just hope she knows, next time she needs it? So I know this is all normal. This happens all the time. Friends feel sorry for friends ; some how this is different. If this is in anyway a comfort for you, I have succeeded. I don't want people to struggle like I am. Just remember all they really need be it a bff of a family member:

1.Just be there -nothing is better than a simple friend 2.Be open- if your open to them the might feel happy to open up. 3.Don't pressure them- if your constantly telling them to chear up, chances are they will want to throw things at you. 4.Be positive ! Hope this is helpful! 


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