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Anxiety, and how to deal with it.

Anxiety… I guess we should start with what anxiety actually is?

Well anxiety, is whatever you want it to be. It could just be an odd feeling or anxiety could affect your whole life.

For me anxiety is a process, it never stops me from doing things I love but it's vital I keep working at it! I assume if I gave up constantly questioning my anxiety I would become reluctant to do things. I can find it hard to leave the house and I often wonder what it would be like if I didn't even try.

Why do I get anxiety?

Well that a question and a half! It could be down to my childhood or maybe, my DNA. Realistic it's probably down to my environment. I'm sure you're wondering if, I can change my DNA is sorted right?

It's not as easy as that. Essentially most people say changing your perspective/view on your anxiety and your life is the best. More tips on how I beat my anxiety later.

I have never been diagnosed with anxiety but I don't really think it's necessary, with the amount of panic attacks and double checking and checking again and lists etc I have its pretty obvious!

Panic attacks….

So a lot of people ask us about panic attacks and honestly if your not sure if you have had one you probably haven't. Panic attacks happen in serious states of anxiety! Here's a few things that I think before and during a panic attack…….

  1. Am I having a Heart attack?

  2. What should I do?

  3. Will I or am I dying?

  4. F*ck

  5. I forgot how to breathe

  6. Will I feel like this forever?

These are all common. I always feel more reassured when someone reminds me ‘you can't die from panic attacks’

The best, the number one thing to do during a panic attack is……. breath.


Way back in the Stone age people were chased by predators constantly! As a result humanity evolved and came up with adrenaline! Adrenaline is a hormone that causes alertness and can (in the modern world) trigger anxiety. Adrenaline was triggered by heavy, fast breathing, in through the nose out through the mouth. This is how you breathe when your running (away from predators). So of your having a panic attack or are very nervous, notice how your breathing. By slowing it down (in breath through the nose for 5 seconds out for 7 seconds) and you will default the adrenaline and put a stop on triggering anxiety.


I have used Headspace for a while now and I'm finding it really good! for those of you who don't know, headspace is an app that is designed to support beginners (or masters) of mindfulness. The app has gorgeous graphics and the lay out is so nice!

so the app actually based around fining time in your everyday life, stand back from all the shit that's going down and relax. by listening to a very calming voice, that gides you through your meditation, you will soon become a meditation master!

Is it free? Well yes and no. This is the only downside to headspace. You can upgrade your app so you can get unlimited sessions whenever you want; it's still completely possible to use that app without it. (I haven't upgrade and I don't think I will, I'm perfectly happy with my current account.) you still get some free perks: 1 a day mindfulness session, a basic 10 section introduction to mindfulness, etc etc! So mindfulness is an amazing way to manage anxiety. It calms you down and give you the opportunity to take a step back from your problems! It really is as simple as that. . I really recommend headspace. It's given me a new perspective on life. If your not sure just give it a go?


So there's a few top tips that I always tell people who have anxiety or are just going through a ruff patch.

1. Have a bath!

The best way to beat an anxious feeling is to have a nice hot bubble bath,maybe with a nice bath bomb and candles? Baths ground you and make your body feel relaxed. Any time I have anxiety for no reasonable explanation I just jump in a bath for 30 mins. Try listening to some music, maybe a radio comedy program?

2. be creative!

When I draw, I always feel a lot calmer I guess I've have found a way to put my difficult feeling into art? Sounds very cheesy! I know it's partly being in my own space.

3. Meditation…

Meditation is such a good way to chill out, and step back from everyday life. i find walking away from a busy day and just taking a moment, maybe a just 2 minutes to meditate. If you're new to meditation try the app headspace (more on this above)

4. Lavender

The scent of lavender is absolutely perfect when trying to relax and relieve yourself, from anxious thoughts. I use ‘NEALS YARD LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OILS’ its deffo the best out there and is £5 but you can get a cheaper oil on amazon.

However, a sprig of fresh lavender I grow in my garden is just as good! (I put it under my pillow in a little net bag and it helps with insomnia!

5. Organisation

Being organised is (for me) the absolute best way to solve anxiety! Make lists, visually plot your week, get a calendar,organize your bills etc.


Lists are excellent but after a while, if they don't work stop! they can make me feel like I have more stuff to do.

Be sensible

So it sounds harsh, but I always find it hard to distinguish the difference between my uptightness and anxiety.

To be honest I tend to blame by up-tightness on my anxiety, so I have started asking myself these questions if I ever feel like my anxiety is stopping me from doing something.

  • Have I never felt like this before?

  • Is this Bullshit?

  • Am I just being silly

If I answer YES to all of these questions I would consider whether I'm just being silly? But honesty only you know whenever you feel anxious or not?

I hope this made you feel less difficult about anxiety and more confident. Follow us on instagram or on Twitter


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